1st Annual “Meat” & Greet

Brewer Park 210 Hopewell Ave, Ottawa, Ontario

Meet students in Architectural, Civil, and Environmental Engineering at Carleton University at our FREE BBQ Lunch! Representatives from our executive team will be there to answer any questions you may have about the society so come learn all about what the Carleton Chapter of CSCE has to offer! Time: 1pm-4pm Location: Brewer Park Admission and […]

Fall Semester General Meeting (FSGM)

Mackenzie Building 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

CSCE’s Fall Semester General Meeting (FSGM) is a chance for society members to find out what council has done thus far in the year. At FSGM we will hold elections for first year representative(s), a 3rd year representative, 4th year representative, and a Vice President Academic. If you are interested in running for an available […]

Board Games Night

Mackenzie Building 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Join CSCE at Board Games Night! This is another great opportunity to meet and hangout with council in low (or high) stakes games or to increase your W/L ratio in chess displayed on the board.

Fall Guest Lecture

Mackenzie Building 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

CSCE Industry Night

Lago Bar & Grill 1001 Queen Elizabeth Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada